Hallie Monroe
I have been making stained glass panels since 1976. When I did a two-year apprenticeship at a studio in New Jersey USA. I completed my BFA at Pratt Institute, in Illustration. After graduating in 1984. I worked for a number of different art studios, and the design department at Steuben Glass NYC. I started my own stained glass studio in Southampton NY in 1989. The work I have done since, has been for residential commissions, church restoration and autonomous panels. References upon request.
I am grateful to have received several scholarships from the Stained Glass Association of America as well as the American Glass Guild and the New York foundation of the arts, to continue my stained glass education. Over the past fifteen years I have been taking glass painting workshops from teachers like Dick Millard, Nicolas Parrendo, Kathy Jordan, Ken Leap, Debora Coombs, Jonathan Cooke at Swansea University. Peter McGrain, Jim Berberich and Williams and Byrns. As well as worked with the amazing painter Lyn Durham.
I have also taught stained glass at Amagansett Arts, Ender’s Sacred Arts, Southampton Adult school, and the American glass guild conference.
For four years I was a full-time painter for Willet Hauser architectural glass company. Now I am glass painting freelance for other studios like Stefan studio, Conrad Pickel studio, Femenella Associates and Gil studio and Solstice Stained Glass studio in Chicago. I joined fellow artists at Holdman studio in Utah. Painting on the Roots of Knowledge project installed in the Library at Utah Valley University.
In 2009, I took a twelve-day stained glass tour of France guided by David Wilde. In 2016 I attended the First Transatlantic Stained Glass symposium in Germany. In which I wrote an article for Glass Art Magazine Jan 2017 issue.
I am a member of and have attended all 14 American Glass Guild conferences. I am also a member of The SGAA and attended the 2018 conference. I am on the Education committee for the SGAA stained glass school. I’m a member of the Vermont Glass guild and on the board of the Vermont craft council.
Over the year 2017 I moved my studio and home, from Long Island, NY, to the beautiful state of Vermont. I was juried into the Brandon Artist Guild. As well as continuing to work on freelance projects and work at Pickel studio in Vero Beach, Florida. I have completed Stained glass painted work for Serpentino glass to be installed in Yale University. And restored Windows at Saint Andrew’s Church in New Castle Maine.