Jennie Johannesen
The inspiration for my art goes back to my childhood kitchen table where my Dad and I sat counting and identifying birds as they came to our feeders. With pastels, I seek to honor that precious memory and bring to life the birds I have seen throughout the years. Every bird I paint is a bird I have seen in the wild.
As an untrained artist, when I first started working with pastels, my goal was fairly simple - I wanted to add some color to charcoal sketches and pastels seemed a natural means to that end. The more I used them, the more I began to appreciate just how many types of pastels there are, and how they interact with one another and the surface to which they are applied. Today, although I continue to work towards the goal of painting my birding life-list, I am also actively exploring ways of applying and blending the various type of pastels, always in pursuit of the gorgeous glow that this medium is capable of producing. In addition, I am actively exploring the effects of pastels on a variety of surfaces. Most recently, amate bark paper has captured my imagination and provided an entirely new set of challenges to work through. I am thoroughly enjoying the process of learning how to work with this truly unique surface.
Although I sometimes paint other subjects, including mammals and people and the occasional landscape, I cannot help feeling that birds, with all their jewel like tones and delicate features are the perfect subject for a pastelist - at least for this pastelist! They remain my favorite thing to paint!
Jennie Johannesen is a research psychologist by training, and a Mom in practice. Her life has reinvented itself repeatedly over the years. With her children grown, she now finds herself striving to develop her skills as an artist.
Herring Gull over the Atlantic Original Pastel 18 x 23, framed Framed in silver with white matte
Vermont Osprey Family Original Pastel 23 x 18, framed Framed in silver with white matte
Semi Palmated Plover Original Pastel 6 x 8, framed framed in light grey wood
Solitary Sandpiper Original Pastel 6 x 8 framed framed in light grey wood
Greater Yellowlegs Trolling for Dinner Original Pastel 6 x 8 framed framed in light grey wood
Black Neck Stilt in the Marsh Original Pastel 6 x 8 framed Framed in grey wood
Dancing on the Beach - American Avocet Original Pastel 6 x 8 Framed Framed in grey wood
Sanderlings on the Beach Original Patel 6 x 8 framed Framed in grey wood